Caddie Woodlawn( I stole this post idea from my Sister Anna!)
Hello friends!! So I was reading Anna's old blog and I came across a post called Caddie Woodlawn, I thought it was really good! I Even thought Anna had written it! But I wasn't entirely sure, so i looked up "Caddie woodlawn" and it was a book! How Silly can I get???? xD lol! Anyway, I just think this is a really meaningful, sweet and beautiful paragraph, but that is just my impression, please tell me yours in the comments! Emma It's a strange thing, but somehow we expect more of girls than of boys. It is the sisters and wives and mothers, you know, Caddie, who keep the world sweet and beautiful. What a rough world it would be if there were only men and boys in it, doing things in their rough way! A woman's task is to teach them gentleness and courtesy and love and kindness. It's a big task, too, Caddie - harder than cutting trees or building mills or damming rivers. It takes nerve and courage and patience, but good women have those things. They hav...