Summer Changes.

Summer seems to be drifting away. These past months have seemed strangely empty. I say strangely because I have been doing many things!

         I went on the most amazing week long Catholic retreat. The talks were so inspirational and helped me with so many things. We had a day of silence, and though I confess that I was not always silent the times that were quiet really moved me. I was not looking forward to the silence as I find it hard to not talk xD. But I really think some of my best memories were from that silently wonderful day. (We had an hour of adoration in the chapel at 11 pm <3)

          I also assisted with a kids program at church and that was really fun, attended a dance and experienced our first staycation. As well as that, in the beginning of summer, there was play practice. But once the first retreat ended not much happened. Only lots of book reading and Tutus Tuus. Of course, it has been a wonderful summer despite the lack of crazy activity. Being with my family has been so fun! 

          Maybe I should amend my first paragraph. The past month has been strangely empty. I guess I know why even if I cannot say it... I will say this, though. I had been in a play, but because of some saddening things my siblings and I had to leave it. The play usually fills my summer to overflowing.
          Leaving the play was rather hard, but when I think about it, maybe it was for the best. If I had been in the play I would not have been able to go to either retreat. My summer would have been so stressful and crraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! My whole family would 've had to deal with the stress. This way we were able to relax and take a break from constant worry over the play. (Well, maybe I was the only constant worrying wart face of doom hehe)

         So even though having to leave the play hurt and sometimes still does, when God closes a door, He opens a window...... Or maybe many many windows!  

I hope your summer had been lovely and filled with goodness as mine has been!

God bless!

Love your, 
silly, crazy confusing, weird, happy and (as always) filled with unique IMPRESSIONS 
Emma G

P.S I know the impression thing makes no sense, but it did to me back when I started the blog, so now I feel wrong when I don't say that at the end of a post!!!!

love y'all! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. It's too bad about the play, but it's good there were at least some advantages to not being in it this year! I hope you'll get to be in a good play next year.
    –Mr. Rick

    1. Hello Mr Rick!
      I hope to be in a play again someday. Thank you for the comment! I hope the online classes are going well!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Emma,
    I'm so sad that you couldn't do the play this year but I'm really happy that you were able to come to Duc In Altum!



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