
So everyone, I just wanted to tell you, one smile, one nice word, can make someone's day. Like the other day I was feeling kind of angry and sad, so because of my human error I snapped at people, and I was mean, that just made me feel more sad. So I was just walking around the house grumbling to myself, and music was playing like it usually is at my house, at the moment the song we had on was "The girl"  and my brother Josef Noah was singing along to it( he sounded pretty good too) and the part of the song that was playing right then was My beautiful girl, then all of a sudden he said "you know, you're beautiful Emma" he said with a smile(or something along those lines, I can't remember exactly right) and that just made me extremely happy, he made my day! So please remember, just one smile, just one kind word can make anyones day!!! So keep smiling! have a good day!

Parchment paper background with positive quote: With just one smile you can make a person's day. That person might even be you!

P.S here is the link to that song, just in cass you want to give it a listen


  1. So true! Well said!

    1. Thanks Margaret! I just felt that people should smile more!


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