Quotes yet again!
So, you remember my earlier quote about books, and how books make me feel? And if you think back even earlier then that, the you might remember my quotes from Jane Austen, well I have more quotes. I was thinking maybe I could post quotes like once a month. But I want my viewers opinion. So, tell me what you think in the comments! Anyway, get ready for some meaningful quotes about life!( oh, yeah, some will probably be sad, so run and get a handkerchief before you continue on!)
Beautiful, at least that's my Impression!
When I was younger I thought that, but know I know!
Beautiful, at least that's my Impression!
YES! Remember that!
This is sweet!
Listen to the quotes man, they speak truth!
Okay, I'll admit it, the picture was part of the reason I chose this quote,
but I mean, the quote is true two!
Yep, this will give you the best day ever( Most of the time)
Also, about the honest part, I think this has a double meaning,
like be honest about not telling lies, but also, be true to yourself
if you pretend to be something your not to impress someone,
than i think in a way, that is dishonesty. But than again that is just my impression!Yell me yours in the comments!
Like seriously yes! True!When I was younger I thought that, but know I know!
YES! I love this so flippin' much!
( All you faithful readers will soon come to realize that i now love to say Flippin', lol)
I just love this one, its perfect for beginnings
! True, yes! Listen to this!
Okay, I;m sorry if this embarrasses you to read this,
it just made me laugh, oh goodness, mutual weirdness!!
To true my dear friends, to true.
HAHAHAHAHHA! Oh goodness!
I wonder if my friends think that about me!
Yes, true, I really love this!
But, heck, how did I get so serious so sudden?
I'm sorry for my confusing mood swings!
This one is kinda bittersweet. I'ma trying to put all kinda of quotes in here!
Um, ya, yes you totally are! Reading is flippin' amazing!
Okay, well that enough for now! I best be going!!! But, have no fear because
All these quotes are great , but that just my Impression, please tell me your either in the comments or email!I hope you all have a great wonderful day! Also, if your wondering were to keep these quotes, than check out my other blog for an idea i think you'll love! https://the3musketeerssite.wordpress.com/
Love your friend
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