Do the 'little' things.

Doing simple, little, easy,and nice things can make a world of difference to your life and others. And sometimes we all need a  reminder to do the 'little' things. Because, really, they  aren't that little. Sometimes the things that make us feel the happiest and most loved are the small things people say or do for you. So here is a list of 'little things' you can do around the home and in public paces.

(1) If you notice someone looking nice, or singing beautifully, or drawing a pretty picture, tell them. Maybe that person you just complimented really wasn't having a  good day,and your nice words may have made them feel so much better. Words have a lot of impact.

(2) If you're at a restaurant, and your waiter really isn't being the nicest they could be, don't be mean or unpleasant back. You have no idea what's going on in there life, Who knows? Spread positivity and you'll find lots more positivity around you.

(3) Offer to make a tea for someone, even if they don't want a tea, it's nice to know that they were thought of .

(4) Send a small note in the mail! It doesn't have to be a three page letter, just a few lines on a small card. I always feel so happy and cozy inside whenever i receive one. Isn't it lovely to think that we can make someone's day better?

(5) Pick bouquets and put them around the house. It really brightens up the area!

(6) Open the doors for people. I'm not entirely sure why, but when people do that for me, it just makes me feel respected and happy.  ( Am I crazy? or do you guys feel the same? hahaha)

(7) If you see a few dirty dishes on the counter, or a floor that could use a little sweeping, go and do them. It will really make your family's life a little easier and your home a little homier. and who doesn't love a homey home?

(8) Go and jump on the trampoline, or push your little sister on the swing. It really is very important to do things with your younger siblings. Even if you just want to finish one chapter, or watch one more episode, or finish writing this one blog post.  Before you know it, your little siblings won't be so little anymore.

(9) Listen. This is one of the most important ones. When someone's talking to you, put down your  phone, or book and listen. It is horrible to feel you've been ignored.

(10) Share a joke. Spread the joy and laughter in life!  “There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.” ― Charles Dickens

There are many more little things you could do.But I've got to get going. I'll leave you with a few quotes.

Never get tired of doing little things for others. Sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts.~St Theresa

Do everything for Love. Thus there will be no little things: everything will be big. Perseverance in little things for Love is heroism. St Josemaria Escriva

Before God, no occupation is in itself great or small. Everything gains the value of the Love with which it is done. ~ St Josemaria Escriva

Because you have been In pauca fidelis, faithful in small things, come and join in your Master’s happiness. The words are Christ’s. In pauca fidelis!...Now will you neglect little things, if heaven itself is promised to those who mind them? The Way, 819

The true way to live is to enjoy every moment as it passes, and surely it is in the everyday things around us that the beauty of life lies.”~Laura Ingalls Wilder

"Little things seem nothing, but they give peace, like those meadow flowers which individually seem odorless but all together perfume the air." ~ Georges Bernanos

Have a great day, week, month, year, and life!

Love, Emma


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